세계 김치의 날

전 세계 도시들에서 함께하고 있는 김치의 날
왜, 어떤 이유로 기념일이 되고 있을까요?
코로나 19가 유행한 이후, 김치가 면역력 향상에 도움이 된다는 인식이 퍼졌고, 이와 더불어 K-pop, K-drama 등 한국 문화와 음식에 대한 관심이 커지면서 김치의 인기도 저절로 올라갔습니다. 이 과정에서 김치에 대한 이해를 도울 수 있는 계기를 만들 수 있는 김치의 날을 함께 기념하고자 하는 도시들이 늘어났습니다.
동시에 세계 김치의 날 제정은 세계 곳곳에서 살아가는 재외동포들의 문화를 존중하겠다는 의미도 담고 있습니다.
영국 킹스턴 구 제정문을 예시로 보면, “킹스턴은 유럽에서 가장 큰 한인 사회를 가지고 있다. 김치는 한국 음식과 문화에서 주요한 역할을 하고 있다. 한류가 커지고 있음에 따라 한인들과 교류 뿐만 아니라 한국 문화를 접할 기회도 커지고 있다. 따라서 김치의 날 제정을 통해 한국 문화를 보다 더 잘 이해할 수 있는 계기를 만들길 바란다”라고 언급하고 있습니다.
다른 여러 결의문들에도 역시 김치의 종주국은 한국임을 분명히 하며, 김치에 대한 소개, 김치의 효능과 함께 김치의 역사, 2013년 유네스코 인류무형문화유산에 등재된 김장문화까지 소개를 하고 있습니다.
보다 더 많은 도시와 국가에서 김치의 날 제정과 함께 한국 문화를 이해하려고 하는 노력이 이뤄지길 바랍니다.
김치의 날을 세계에서 함께 즐기기까지
2020년, 한국에서 김치의 가치와 우수성을 알리기 위해 11월 22일을 김치의 날로 지정하였습니다.
이런 김치의 날이 국내뿐만 아니라 세계에서 함께 즐기게 된 것에는 많은 재외동포 분들과 외국인들, 여러 단체의 노력이 있었습니다.
2021년 8월, 캘리포니아에서는 한인 이주 1세대이신 최석호 하원의원을 중심으로 하여 다양한 기관, 단체들의 협력을 통해 해외 최초로 김치의 날 결의안이 통과되었습니다.
이후, 다양한 국가, 도시에서 재외동포 분들의 노력으로 김치의 날이 제정되고 있습니다.
2022년 2월, 미국 버지니아주에서는 한국계 아이린 신 하원의원의 대표 발의를 바탕으로 한 결의안이 통과되었습니다. 같은 달 미국 뉴욕주에서도 한국계 론킴 의원이 발의하여 김치의 날이 제정되었습니다.
이를 이어 2022년 6월 워싱턴 D.C에서는 아니타 본즈 D.C 자치구 의회 의원의 발의로, 2023년 6월에는 하와이에서 한인 이민자의 후손인 린다 이치마야 하원의원의 대표 발의로 김치의 날이 제정되었습니다.
이외에도 유럽에서 가장 큰 한인 단체를 가지고 있는 영국 킹스턴 구에서 2023년 7월, 안드레아 커쉬 의원의 대표 발의로 김치의 날이 제정되었습니다. 남미에서도 2023년 6월 브라질 상파울루에서 아우렐리오 노무라 의원 발의로 제정되었으며, 아르헨티나의 경우 2023년 7월 막달레나 솔라리 킨타나 상원의원의 발의로 국가 전체에서 김치의 날을 함께 기념하게 되었습니다.
이외에도 다양한 도시들에서 김치의 날을 선포하거나 제정을 위해 발의를 하고 있습니다.
특히, 올해 미연방 또한 미국 전역에 있는 재외동포들의 문화를 인정한다는 의미로 한국계 미국인 영 킴 하원의원(캘리포니아)이 대표로 발의한 결의안은 12월 6일 본 회의에 올라 채택될 전망입니다.
언급된 의원분들 외에도 드러나지 않는 곳에서 김치의 날이 제정될 수 있도록 도와주신 다양한 재외동포 단체들, 관련 기관들에 도 감사를 표합니다.
지금보다 더 많은 국가, 도시에서 김치의 날을 함께 즐길 수 있도록 여러분들, 특히 재외동포분들의 관심과 노력이 필요합니다. 김치의 날을 관심을 가지고 주변 사람들과 공유해주세요!

미국 연방 (2023.04.06)
Expressing support for the designation of November 22, 2023, as ‘‘Kimchi Day’’.
A PRIL 6, 2023
Mrs. KIM of California (for herself, Mr. KIM of New Jersey, Mrs. STEEL , Ms. S TRICKLAND , Ms. MENG , Mr. GOMEZ , Ms. TOKUDA , Mr. FITZPATRICK , Ms. C HU , Mr. I SSA, and Mr. V EASEY ) submitted the following resolution;
which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Expressing support for the designation of November 22, 2023, as ‘‘Kimchi Day’’.
Whereas kimchi is a traditional dish in Korean cuisine with a long, rich history that began over two millenniums ago during the period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea;
Whereas 2023 marks the 120th anniversary of the first Korean immigrants to arrive in the United States and the 70th anniversary of the United States-Republic of Korea alliance, and Korean Americans represent a vibrant, growing community in the United States whose members have gone on to become an indispensable part of the fabric of America and have made numerous contributions to science, law, business, art, and many other fields;
Whereas, in 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization officially recognized the Korean traditional process of preparing kimchi, ‘‘Kimjang’’, on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;
Whereas kimchi has been widely acknowledged as a probiotic food item with well-established positive health benefits, serving as an excellent source of betcarotene, calcium, potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamins A, B, C, and K, which can lower rates of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes;
Whereas the growing interest and popularity of kimchi as a dish in the United States, as evidenced by an increase in available kimchi-related food products, restaurant menu items, and interest from non-Korean consumers, represents a positive example of multicultural exchange; and
Whereas kimchi is celebrated in Korea, the land of its origin, each year through the designation of November 22 as ‘‘Kimchi Day’’: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives supportsthe designation of ‘‘Kimchi Day’’.
미국 캘리포니아 (2021.8.23)
House Resolution No.52
Introduced by Assembly Members Choi and Quirk-Silva
(Principal coauthor: Senator Min)
(Coauthors: Assembly Members Aguiar-Curry, Arambula, Bauer-Kahan, Berman, Bigelow, Bloom, Boerner Horvath, Burke, Calderon, Carrillo, Chau, Chen, Chiu, Cooley, Cooper, Cunningham, Megan Dahle, Daly, Flora, Fong, Frazier, Friedman, Gabriel, Gallagher, Cristina Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Gipson, Lorena Gonzalez, Grayson, Holden, Irwin, Jones-Sawyer, Kalra, Kiley, Lackey, Lee, Levine, Low, Maienschein, Mathis, Mayes, Medina, Mullin, Muratsuchi, Nazarian, O’Donnell, Patterson, Petrie-Norris, Quirk, Ramos, Rendon, Reyes, Luz Rivas, Robert Rivas, Rodriguez, Blanca Rubio, Salas, Santiago, Seyarto, Smith, Ting, Villapudua, Voepel, Waldron, Ward, Akilah Weber, Wicks, and Wood)
May 25, 2021
House Resolution No. 52—Relative to Kimchi Day.
WHEREAS, There is an increasing demand for kimchi and Korean food in California and the United States as all major retailers, including Costco, Walmart, and Trader Joe’s, retailers now carry kimchi; and
WHEREAS, There is a 222-percent increase in food products launched between 2014 and 2018 with “Korea” or “Korean” in the product name. Korean cuisine has grown on food menus in the United States since 2014, which can be attributed to the fact that Korean cuisine has been adopted in American and Mexican cuisine as Kimchi is used as an alternative to slaws, pickles, and sauerkraut; and
WHEREAS, Between 2012 and 2019, Korean cuisine saw a 34-percent increase on Yelp, online and 45 percent of people were interested in trying Korean cuisine; and
WHEREAS, Kimchi is an excellent source of probiotics, folate, beta-carotene, choline, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Many of these nutrients can contribute to lower rates of stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, and to increased immunity; and
WHEREAS, In 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization officially recognized Korea’s traditional process of preparation and preservation of kimchi known as “kimjang” as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage item”; and
WHEREAS, The history of kimchi is rich, given its origination during the early period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (37 B.C.– 7 A.D.); and
WHEREAS, The increase in awareness of kimchi corresponds to higher awareness of Korean culture, including K-pop, K-beauty, K-food, and K-drama; and
WHEREAS, With the rise of Korean celebrity chefs, such as Beverly Kim, Chris Cho, Corey Lee, Danny Bowien, David Chang, Edward Lee, Judy Joo, Kristen Kish, Roy Choi, and many others, the influence of kimchi and K-food in general is becoming an international staple; and
WHEREAS, The United States is home to the largest Korean diaspora in the world. California alone is home to 32 percent of the country’s Korean population. Even within California, Los Angeles County houses 15 percent of the national Korean population; and
WHEREAS, The United States should recognize the Korean diaspora through Kimchi Day; Korean American community has enriched the cultural, social, and economic landscape of California; and
WHEREAS, Korea is the country of origin of kimchi; and
WHEREAS, In South Korea, November 22 is celebrated everyyear by designating it as Kimchi day; Day; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That in California, where the most Korean Americans reside, November 22nd of each year shall be celebrated as Kimchi Day; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.
미국 버지니아 (2022.2.9)
Designating November 22, in 2022 and in each succeeding year, as Kimchi Day in Virginia.
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 9, 2022
Agreed to by the Senate, March 1, 2022
WHEREAS, kimchi, a traditional dish consisting of salted and fermented vegetables, has been a staple of Korean cuisine and culture for thousands of years; and
WHEREAS, there are nearly two million Korean Americans in the United States, and the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area is home to the third-largest Korean American population in the country; and
WHEREAS, across the United States and the Commonwealth, there is an increasing demand for kimchi and Korean food, and major retailers now carry kimchi; and
WHEREAS, searches for Korean cuisine online have increased by more than 34 percent since 2012, and nearly half of users report interest in trying it; and
WHEREAS, since 2014, there has also been a significant increase in launches of retail food products with Korea or Korean in the product name; and
WHEREAS, Korean cuisine has increasingly appeared on many restaurant menus, with kimchi used as an alternative to slaws, pickles, or sauerkraut in American and Mexican cuisine; and
WHEREAS, kimchi is a healthy food and an excellent source of nutrients, including probiotics, folate, beta-carotene, choline, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K, many of which are associated with lower rates of stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease; and
WHEREAS, kimchi originated in Korea during the early years of the Three Kingdoms period, between the 1st century B.C. and the 7th century A.D., and has had a rich history, growing from a beloved household comfort food to a commercial product with worldwide appeal; and
WHEREAS, in 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization officially recognized Korea’s traditional process of preparation and preservation of kimchi, known as kimjang, as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Item; and
WHEREAS, the Korean American community has enriched the cultural, social, and economic landscape of Virginia by increasing the awareness of K-Pop, K-Beauty, K-Food, and K-Dramas, and with the rise of Korean American celebrity chefs, the influence of kimchi and K-food in general is rising and becoming an international staple; and
WHEREAS, every year, the Republic of Korea celebrates November 22 as Kimchi Day; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly designate November 22, in 2022 and in each succeeding year, as Kimchi Day in Virginia; and, be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates transmit copies of this resolution to the Korean Food Globalization Committee of North America and the Council of Korean Americans so that members of these organizations may be apprised of the sense of the General Assembly of Virginia in this matter; and, be it
RESOLVED FINALLY, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates post the designation of this day on the General Assembly’s website.
미국 뉴욕주 (2022.2.17)
Assembly Resolution No. 574
BY: M. of A. Kim
RECOGNIZING November 22, 2022, as Kimchi Day and honoring the history and importance of a beloved food staple first introduced in the United States and the State of New York by the Korean American
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to honor and commemorate relevant cultural artifacts that have had a significant and lasting impact on the world and the lives of countless residents in the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, Kimchi is a traditional dish in Korean cuisine with a long, rich history that began over two millenniums ago during the period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea; and
WHEREAS, Korean Americans represent a vibrant, growing community in New York whose predecessors first arrived in America over a century ago, and whose members have gone on to become an indispensable part of the fabric of America; and
WHEREAS, In 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization officially recognized the Korean traditional process of preparing kimchi, “Kimjang”, on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; and
WHEREAS, The greater New York metropolitan area is home to one of the largest and most vibrant communities of Korean Americans who represent a long and storied part of the American fabric and have made numerous contributions to science, law, business, art, and many other
fields; and
WHEREAS, Kimchi has been widely acknowledged as a probiotic food item with well-established positive health benefits, serving as an excellent source of beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, dietary fiber,
and vitamins A, B, C and K, which can lower rates of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes; and
WHEREAS, The growing interest and popularity of kimchi as a dish in America and the State of New York, as evidenced by an increase in available kimchi-related food products, restaurant menu items, and interest from non-Korean consumers represents a positive example of multicultural exchange; and
WHEREAS, Kimchi is celebrated in Korea, the land of its origin, each year through the designation of November 22nd as Kimchi Day; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to recognize November 22, 2022, as Kimchi Day and to honor the history and importance of a beloved food staple first introduced in the United States and the State of New York by the Korean American community; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the Korean American communities throughout the State of New York.
미국 워싱턴 D.C. (2022.6.28)
June 28, 2022
To recognize and honor the traditional Korean dish of salted and fermented vegetables, kimchi, which has been a staple of Korean cuisine and culture for thousands of years and declare November 22 and in each succeeding year, as Kimchi Day in the District of Columbia.
WHEREAS, in 1949, the Embassy of South Korea opened in Washington, D.C., and in 1960, there were only about 400 to 500 ethnic Koreans in the District of Columbia;
WHEREAS, according to the American Community Survey in 2019, there were nearly 2,000,000 Korean Americans in the United States, and the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area is home to the third-largest Korean American population in the country with many Korean Americans operating businesses in Washington, D.C., and working for the Federal Government of the United States;
WHEREAS, the Korean American community has enriched the cultural, social and economic landscape of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area;
WHEREAS, Korean popular music (K-pop), beauty products (K-Beauty), television dramas, and, with the rise of Korean American celebrity chefs, Korean food, have all had a positive and lasting impact at the local, regional, national, and international level;
WHEREAS, kimchi originated in Korea during the early years of the Third Kingdoms period, between the 1st century B.C. and 7th century A.D., and has a rich history, growing from a beloved household comfort food to a commercial product with worldwide appeal;
WHEREAS, there are hundreds of different types of kimchi with a wide selection of seasonings used, including gochugaru (Korean chili powder), spring onions, garlic, ginger, and jeotgal (salted seafood);
WHEREAS, in the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area and across the United States, there is an increasing demand for kimchi and Korean food with major retailers now carrying kimchi;
WHEREAS, kimchi is a healthy food and an excellent source of nutrients, including probiotics, folate, beta-carotene, choline, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K, many of which are associated with lower rates of stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease;
WHEREAS, in 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization officially recognized Korea’s traditional process of preparing and preserving kimchi known as kimjang, as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Item;
WHEREAS, every year, the Republic of Korea celebrates November 22 as Kimchi Day.
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Kimchi Day Ceremonial Recognition Resolution of 2022”.
Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes and honors the history of the kimchi dish and the impact of Korean food and the Korean American community in the District of Columbia and the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area and declares November 22, 2022 as Kimchi Day
Sec. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
미국 뉴저지 (2023.1.26)
No. 200
Sponsored by:
Assemblywoman ELLEN J. PARK
District 37 (Bergen)
Designates November 22 of each year as Kimchi Day.
As introduced.
A Joint Resolution designating November 22 of each year as Kimchi Day.
Whereas, Kimchi is a traditional dish in Korean cuisine consisting of salted and fermented vegetables made with a widely varying selection of seasonings; and
Whereas, Kimchi has a rich cultural history with origins dating back to over two thousand years ago during the Three Kingdoms Period in Korea; and
Whereas, In 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization officially recognized the Korean traditional process of preparing kimchi, “kimjang”, on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; and
Whereas, Kimchi is widely recognized as an excellent source of probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has been associated with the promotion of many positive health benefits; and
Whereas, Many individuals of Korean heritage have immigrated to the United States, bringing with them rich histories and cultural traditions, such as the preparation and consumption of kimchi; and
Whereas, Korean-Americans are the fifth largest Asian American ethnic group in the United States, with a population of nearly 2 million and more than 100,000 in New Jersey alone; and
Whereas, New Jersey, particularly Bergen County, has been a welcoming home for residents with Korean heritage, and one of the epicenters of Korean culture in the United States; and
Whereas, Bergen County is home to the municipalities with the highest densities of Koreans in the western hemisphere, and the greatest concentration of Korean restaurants in a one-mile radius in the United States; and
Whereas, In South Korea, November 22 is celebrated every year by designating it as Kimchi Day; and
Whereas, New Jersey is dedicated to celebrating its ethnic and cultural diversity, and the longstanding traditions of all its residents; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
- November 22 of each year is designated as Kimchi Day.
- The Governor is respectfully requested to issue an annual proclamation calling upon public officials, citizens of the State, and other interested groups to observe Kimchi Day with appropriate programs and activities.
- This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.
This joint resolution designates November 22 of each year as Kimchi Day in the State of New Jersey.
Kimchi is a traditional dish in Korean cuisine consisting of salted and fermented vegetables made with a widely varying selection of seasonings. Kimchi has a long rich history dating back thousands of years. The preparation of kimchi allowed the Korean people a means of preserving food that served as a vital source of sustenance throughout history. Kimchi can be found in the homes of millions of Koreans around the world and is often eaten with every meal.
While kimchi has historically been a critical source of nutrients, it has become so ingrained in the culture of the Korean people that it is now a source of national pride and identity. Kimjang, the tradition of preparing kimchi, brings whole communities together to collectively prepare and share large quantities to kimchi to ensure that every household has enough to sustain it through the long, often harsh, Korean winters. Kimjang is so culturally important to the Korean people that it has been recognized by the United Nations by being added in 2013 to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Kimchi has been widely acknowledged as a probiotic food with well-established positive health benefits, serving as an excellent source of beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamins A, B, C, and K, which can potentially lower rates of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
National Kimchi Day is celebrated in South Korea on November 22 to promote the value of the kimchi. This date is in recognition of the 11 traditional ingredients of kimchi and the 22 health benefits its consumption promotes.
New Jersey has a significant population of approximately 105,000 residents of Korean descent with 60 percent living in Bergen County. By setting aside November 22 of each year as Kimchi Day, we can celebrate the culture and traditions of Koreans around the world and in the State of New Jersey.
미국 하와이 (2023.4.24)
WHEREAS, 2023 is the one hundred twentieth anniversary of the arrival of the first Korean immigrant workers in Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, Korean-Americans in Hawaii have greatly contributed to the diverse and vibrant culture of the State; and
WHEREAS, approximately fifty thousand residents in Hawaii consider themselves ethnically Korean; and
WHEREAS, kimchi is a traditional Korean dish with a long, rich history that began over two millennia ago during the time of the Three Kingdoms of Korea; and
WHEREAS, in 2013, the traditional process of preparing kimchi, “kimjang”, was recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; and
WHEREAS, kimchi can increasingly be found for sale at many major retailers across the United States and is becoming an international staple, particularly as it is used in the place of slaws, pickles, and sauerkraut in fusion cuisine; and
WHEREAS, kimchi is an excellent source of probiotics, folate, beta-carotene, choline, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K, and many of these nutrients can contribute to lower rates of stroke, cancer, and diabetes; and
WHEREAS, South Korea celebrates “National Kimchi Day” on November 22 as a day of kimchi festivities, as the date represents the eleven major ingredients in kimchi and the twenty-two health benefits of the food; and
WHEREAS, in 2021, California passed a resolution designating November 22 as Kimchi Day, and Virginia passed a similar resolution in 2022; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Thirty-second Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2023, the Senate concurring, that November 22, 2023, be designated as “Kimchi Day” in Hawaii; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor.
미국 매릴랜드주 (22.11.21)
The State of Maryland
From the Governor of the State of Maryland
November 22, 2022
WHEREAS, Kimshi has becvome a popular dish in Korean cuisine and is known across the globe for its unique lactofermentation process and distinct flavor: and
WHEREAS, Korean Americans represent a vibrant, growing community in the State of Maryland and across the United States of America, and have gone on to become an integral part of our communities and have made numerous contributions to science, business, art, law, and many other fields: and
WHEREAS, Our administration is proud of the special bond we have with Korea, and has worked hard to make that bond even stronger through productive trade missions, new sister-state relationships, and partnerships between Maryland and Korean universities; and
WHEREAS, Maryland is honoered to join states around the nation, the Requblic of Korea, and members of the Korean American community in celebrating Kimchi Day in order to promote Korean culture and cuisine.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, LAWRENCE J. HOGAN, JR., GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND, do hereby proclain NOVEMBER 22, 2022 as KIMCHI DAY in Maryland, and do commend this observance to all of our citizens.
미국 조지아주 (22.10.28)
WHEREAS, Kimchi, a traditional dish consisting of salted and fermented vegetables, has been a staple of Korean cuisine and culture for thousands of years; and
WHEREAS, there are nearly two million Korean Americans in the United States, and the state of Georgia is home to over 71,000 Korean Americans, with this number expected to increase further in coming years; and
WHEREAS, Across the United States and th State of Georgia, there is an increasing demand for Kimchi and Korean food, with major retailers now carrying kimchi, Korean cuisine increasingly appearing on many restaurant menus, and kimchi being used as an alternative to slaws, pickles, or sauerkraut in other cuisine; and
WHEREAS, Kimchi originated in Korea during the early years of the Three Kimdoms period, between th 1st century B.C. and the 71h century A.D., and has had a rich history, growing from a beloved household comfort food to a commercial product with worldwide appeal; and
WHEREAS, In 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization officially recognized Korea’s traditional process of preparation and preservation of kimchi, known as kimjang, as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Item; and
WHEREAS, The Korean American community has enriched the cultural, social, and economic landscape of Georgia as the influence and popularity of kimchi and Korean food in general is risingl now
THEREFORE: I, BRIAN P. KEMP, Governor of the State if Georgia, do hereby proclaim November 22, 2022, as KIMCHI DAY in Georgia.
In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Executive Department to be affixed the 28th day of October in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Two.
브라질 상파울루 (2023.6.6)
Secretaria Geral Parlamentar
Secretaria de Documentação
Equipe de Documentação do Legislativo
O dia 22 de novembro é conhecido como Dia do Kimchi na Coreia! Listado em 2013 pela UNESCO como patrimônio cultural imaterial, o kimjang (processo de preparação do kimchi) cria momentos de alegria e incentiva a convivência em harmonia com a natureza.
Eu diria que kimchi é coreano e vice-versa. Como um acompanhamento tradicional coreano fermentado, o kimchi é mais do que apenas vegetais preparados com uma variedade de temperos. Incorporou a identidade de uma nação. Kimchi tornou-se um recurso simbólico para todos os coreanos. Por Liliek Soelistyo, professor no Departmento de Inglês da Petra Christian University, publicado no site do Ministro de Turismo da Coreia.
O rito de reunir a família e preparar o kimchi para consumir durante o rigoroso inverno da Coreia é uma tradição antiga. Além disso, as prefeituras se mobilizam em mutirões para preparar o kimchi e distribuí-lo para a população ou instituições beneficentes.
Fora da Coreia, a California é o lugar com maior população de coreanos, seguida pelo Brasil, com expressiva comunidade na cidade de São Paulo. A nomeação desta data seria uma homenagem à essa população imigrante no contexto das comemorações dos 60 Anos de Imigração Coreana no Brasil.
A partir de 2020, alguns outros países começaram a comemorar o dia 22 de novembro como o dia do Kimchi. A California adotou a data em agosto de 2020, a Virgínia, Nova York e Washington DC, em fevereiro de 2021. É um prato muito conhecido por estrangeiros.
O kimchi é servido em todas as refeições. Dizem que nenhuma refeição está completa sem um prato de kimchi! Esse alimento possui um rico conteúdo nutricional que pode contribuir para uma vida mais saudável. Ainda, como é fermentado, o kimchi está cheio de boas bactérias. Porém, o consumo de kimchi não significa apenas suprir a necessidade alimentar durante o inverno, mas também torna as pessoas fortes física, mental e emocionalmente. Quando as pessoas são saudáveis, elas criam uma nação saudável, reforçando o papel simbólico relevante atribuído a esse alimento para a formação da Coreia.
A primeira referência histórica do kimchi na Coréia é datada cerca de 3 mil anos atrás, mas somente no século 18 adicionou-se pimenta ao prato. Devido às variadas receitas regionais, existem centenas de tipos diferentes de kimchi.
O prato é produzido em quantidades especialmente grandes durante novembro e dezembro. É quando ocorre o processo chamado de kimjang (cura do kimchi), em preparação para o inverno. Durante o kimjang, o repolho é conservado cortando-o em pedaços menores, embebendo-o em salmoura durante a noite e salpicando sal. Então, yangnyum (rabanete revestido em pó de pimenta) é misturado com ingredientes como cebolinha, folhas de mostarda, gengibre, alho e camarão fermentado ou anchovas. Para completar o processo, o repolho em conserva é recheado ou misturado com o yangnyum e armazenado para fermentar até ser consumido.
아르헨티나 (2023.7.5)
Ley 27720
El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina reunidos en Congreso, etc. sancionan con fuerza de
Artículo 1°- Institúyase la fecha del 22 de noviembre de cada año como “Día Nacional del Kimchi en la Argentina”.
Artículo 2°- A los efectos de la presente ley entiéndase por “Kimchi” al plato de vegetales preparados a la usanza coreana, que cuenta con una tradición popular conocida como “kimjang”, declarada Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO).
Artículo 3°- El Día Nacional del Kimchi en la Argentina establecido en el Artículo 1° de la presente ley tiene por objeto valorar el aporte cultural y social de los inmigrantes coreanos en la República Argentina, así como reforzar los lazos de amistad entre esta y la República de Corea.
Artículo 4°- Comuníquese al Poder Ejecutivo nacional.
- 24/07/2023 N° 56854/23 v. 24/07/2023
영국 킹스턴왕립구 (23.7.11)
Proposed by Councillor Andreas Kirsch
Seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Park
This Council notes:
- our borough is home to the largest Korean community in Europe;
- this year marks the 140th anniversary of Korean-British diplomatic relations;
- the immense social and cultural contribution made by our Korean residents, which enhances the wellbeing and culture of the entire borough;
- kimchi plays a central role in Korean food and culture, from mild to spicy, from pancakes to stews, and from Gangnam to New Malden.
This Council supports:
- the global rise of interest in Korean culture, or ‘Hallyu’, and the many opportunities it brings to Kingston;
- the longstanding work of organisations including amongst many others, the Korean British Cultural Exchange, the Korean Residents Society, the North Korean Residents Society and the London Korean School in promoting Korean culture in the borough;
- the hope that Kimchi Day will deepen the friendship of our communities, enhance British understanding of Korean culture, and strengthen the cooperation between our two countries as we become the first authority in Europe to recognize Kimchi Day.
This Council resolves:
- that November 22nd will henceforth and in perpetuity be recognised and celebrated as Kimchi Day within the Royal Borough of Kingston;
- to support and work with our Korean community, and all its organisations, in promoting Kimchi Day and Korean culture across the borough.”
Following debate it was unanimously RESOLVED.